This task might seem frivolous to some, but believe me, it can seriously be your friend next year. Every year since we moved in the house, I go around and I take pictures of all my decorations I have and what I did with them. Above are the same piece of furniture, and what I have done for 3 years. While it's not the same way twice, it gives me ideas for next year. It also reminds me what I have, because I don't know about you, but every year when I open those totes again, there are items I had forgotten I owned. I also have some other organizing plans, but that is for another post. My decorations will be up for at least another week. There was only once I ever tore down early and it was my first Christmas away from my family. I got emotional on boxing day and just tore it all down. I get way too much enjoyment out of organizing now to do that.
K, Luv Ya, Bye
Nancy, Cale, Jake, Brock and Alice