Thursday, March 26, 2020



Much like a good portion of the world, we're quarantining ourselves. Well Jake and I for now. Cale is a delivery driver so he is essential. My doctors took me out because I have a kidney disease, but my pregnancy takes to a new level. I always have a compromised immune system.

         I have been off since Friday, and Jake has been here with me. We're having an good time, lots of snuggles and playing and trying new things. There has been a lot of deep cleaning...nesting anyone? I also have taken advantage of this time, and started a little project. I just started (literally today) some tomato seeds and pepper seeds in my kitchen window. I mean people think it's the apocalypse,  let's prep!

        K, Luv ya, bye!


We're not getting a Puppy, and B isn't old enough

Oh....hey...yeah...I kind of bailed huh? Well I had to choose something that had to go for my own sanity, and apparently this wa...