Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Planning a Matheson Family Christmas Post 12

 I do like to do crafts all year, but right now is when I really shine. This is the time I figure out crafts I want to complete for myself, and stuff that I might want to do with Jake. I think I actually have one planned for with the elf. I know it’s mid- October, but the Christmas stuff is hitting the stores (we saw it on the weekend) so planning out the crafts is something that you might want to take into consideration. OR you may not craft at all, which is fine, to each their own.
I’m also planning out the baking. I am not much of a baker. Because I can read and follow a recipe, I can bake, but that’s where my skills end. That said, I have my little man who enjoys it. Scratch that, he likes it for about 15 min, then he wants to go do something else, while I wait out the timer. If I’m being honest, we buy some of the drop and bake cookies for times we might not have anything set. But we have figured out 3 types of cookies we want to do this year. Sugar cookies, gingerbread, and chocolate chip, the classics. Baking has a deadline in my house, but not necessarily a specific day. We tend to spread it out, and then freeze a bunch. There is typically two tins that go in the freezer. There are the ones we can break out later when we empty the cookie jar, and the Do not touch until Christmas eve tin. Otherwise we can go to town. So at this point I’m checking what ingredients I need to pick up, watching for them on sale and ballparking when we will be baking.

-Mama Bear Out!

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