Friday, October 1, 2021

Planning a Matheson Family Christmas Post 9

I was going to do this one as a vlog, and realized it’s kind of dangerous to do, because little ears tend to hear what the shouldn’t. Instead I decided to write this out because I am actually a rookie for this one still, I’m talking about The Elf.
I am a mom who will find every single solitary way to have fun at Christmas with my kids, and as such we embarked down the path of, Elf on the Shelf. I see a lot of online hate for the Elf because of the effort that is required from the parents. I totally get that after last year, more on that in a few. BUT it really was a blast to watch Jake light up each morning when he found his elf. It’s lesser scale Christmas morning excitement. 
Last year was the very first year with our beloved Pickles, and being a rookie, I made a rookie mistake. I got too excited for the elf, and he came as soon as our tree was up, this is early to mid-November in our house. I went in headfirst with little to no preparation, and this is where the issue was. I did not prepare for this little elf of ours, and so I sat there totally lost more than once. 
I do not intend to make this mistake twice. As such, the other day when Jake mentioned he missed Pickles, he reminded me, start getting ready. 
As such, I have compiled a list of the 24 places that Pickles will be found and started my shopping list. I am here to share some of my tentative plans for Pickles, PS unless specified, these are not in order.
1. First day, arrives with advent calendars
2. Dressed in his super hero costume (thank you Uncle Bill for grabbing that)
3. In a cast, because they didn’t clean up their toys
4. In a Jar so he can go with us to look at Christmas lights
5. With a book, so we can read together
6. In underwear, because what’s funnier than underwear?!
7. The final day is a good bye gift, last year it was Candyland, this year another board game
I have 24 plans, and like I said I’m compiling my shopping list. My plan is to have everything ready to roll before December 1st, so it will be simply execution at that point. 
What are things you do with your elf?
-Mama Bear Out!

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