Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Ode to Cale

Today is my other half’s Birthday. The unsung hero of my life. There is a lot of attention given to a mom when she has kids, little is given to a father. I realize it’s not the case in all situations, but in ours Cale is an invisible hero, and this didn’t start when the boys were born. He had to cover a lot during pregnancy. Also he had to guide me quietly through the hardest time of my life, after dad died. He typically works 12 hour days with little sleep, and if he does get more than 4 hours, it’s mostly on the couch (because he falls asleep). 
I assure you, he doesn’t get the recognition he deserves. He works hard in and out of our house, has very little time to himself, and has a toddler who goes out of his way to test him (they’re going to  be fun when he’s a teenager).
Then there is me. He deals with my moods, my sarcasm, and my “great ideas”. Oh yeah, and this man lives with year round Christmas planning. He pretty much goes along with all my plans, I might get an eye roll here or there, but he typically goes with it.  
What’s more, he asks for very little, in fact he asks what he can do to help. For these reasons and more, I will take this post today to thank him for all he does for me, for our boys and our fuzzy girl.
Today I wish him the best day. We didn’t have a great weekend (he was the only one not sick), so here’s hoping father’s day will be better.

-Mama Bear out

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