I love making lists. I like laying out ideas and ticking things off. One list I found I make all the time, especially since the kids, is a seasonal bucket list. This year I included Jake in the list making. He did pretty well might I add (though some things make no sense). I kind of meld the Spring and Summer list together, but I thought I would share it.
1. Go to the Aquarium. We attempted this already…mommy read the calendar thinking she was looking at April, it was May, and the doors were locked. That was a whole big thing, but we’re going to try again. The Aquarium is a big deal in our house because THE toy, that goes to bed with Jake ever night was bought at the aquarium.
2. Work on our Garden. We planted seeds a long time ago inside and some have done well. We also cleared a very small area this past weekend. Planting is planned for this.
3. Colour (this was Jake)
4. Go to the zoo. We check out the Animal of the day on our Google home, and Jake is pretty excited. He also doesn’t believe me we’ve been before
5. Go to Jake’s best friend’s house (this is his sitter’s son, mission accomplished)
6. Go berry picking. I’m watching for the facebook posts. Last year we went for strawberry and raspberry, but by the time blueberries came, I was too pregnant. Jake recently informed me he doesn’t like raspberries too, which is a shame because he had way more fun with the raspberries last year.
7. Go see waterfalls. Last year we went to Fundy, and saw waterfalls; he still talks about it.
8. Go to Fundy (see above)
9. Watch something downstairs (thank you Jake)
10. Go to the Beach
11. Mommy singing (I don’t know)
12. Sleep in our tent/camping. We used to camp all the time. I think the last time we did was the summer before I was pregnant with Jake. So we want to do a backyard camp out to see how he does first…then we’ll see if we can go somewhere and hope he doesn’t freak out
13. Bon fire. We have once, it was kind of a mess, so we’ll try again.
14. Have a Picnic. We have done this, but it’s an easy one to do over and over
15. Have Ice cream, we have and will again
16. Go eat food (Jake)
17. Set up a pool. We lost our pool last year when it popped, we’ve been looking into a new one and a little bigger this time
18. Play with toys (this was me…obviously)
19. Go the playground. We have basically weekly.
20. Go to the Irving nature park. We have yet to even take Jake there, and we couldn’t believe it when we realized it.
21. Go to Markets. We’ve done one so far
22. BBQ. Got that bad boy out Sunday and have been enjoying the bounty of the season since
23. Blow bubbles. This is always happening, and I zip tied a thing of bubbles to the deck so I don’t have to hold the bottle the whole time.
24. Go to a splash pad. Jake has never been to one. Last year was covid’s fault and the year before he wasn’t walking. This is a must this year, he’s thrilled when you spray him with the hose
25. Go see (on) the boats. Going on a boat is currently going on the car ferry across the Saint John river. We can’t even get out. IF we get to Nova Scotia this year we hope to get out on a boat. Until then we go to Renforth Warf and look at the boats (they’re starting) and throw rocks in the water (not near the boats)
26. Go for walks. Something thrills Jake about going for a walk. He doesn’t care where, but he loves going for a walk. And if Alice is with us, oh my god, it’s the best thing ever.
27. Go to the Freak lunchbox. While this doesn’t HAVE to be summer, I want to take Jake there some time
28. Butterfly world. Near the zoo is Butterfly world, I have only seen pictures, we’ve never been. You go in this dome building full of butterflies. Jake once chased a butterfly around with his friends for like an hour (I’m told lol).
29. See puppies. I have no idea where that one came from, but Jake wants to see puppies. I don’t know how he wants to do that, and it doesn’t need to be puppies, he calls Alice a puppy, so puppy means dog to him.
30. Get to Nova Scotia. This one isn’t on us, it’s dependent on the bubble. Jake is aware he hasn’t seen Nana and Papa since Thanksgiving, and he only got to see Uncle Peter for a second. He wants to go, so fingers crossed.
These are the things we want to do. I assure you, there is no chance we get through them all, but it will be fun (and exhausting) to try.
Mama Bear out
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