Saturday, July 6, 2019

Living for the moment

Yesterday was my day off, where Jake still goes to the sitter. I usually make this day a little shorter for his time away, but he absolutely loves going and playing with the other kids, so I feel guilty when I take him away from that. To be fair, I feel guilty sending him away when I'm home and totally capable of taking him. Mom guilt is real. I typically take this opportunity to get stuff done. Yesterday was beautiful out so I got to the deck.

          Let me start by saying, I typically am a good cook, but there is something about my bbq and chicken I don't do well with. A couple weeks ago (weather has been against me, and you know, procrastination), I actually set fire to supper. Like we're talking flames coming out of my bbq. The good news? My fire extinguisher worked. So yesterday was finally round one of scrubbing with vinegar and hosing down the grill. I also laid out our zero gravity chairs, and mat for the deck. I moved my tomato planter so it gets more light, and of course most important of all, Jake's pool is out. I dunno, there's something about a job like that getting done that gives me a sense of accomplishment. I was also proud of myself. I tend to be a planner, getting ready for the next thing, and it's something I enjoy. But all things in moderation. I find if I get too carried away planning for the next thing, I miss what's happening now. I have made a conscious effort to not get carried away. So yesterday, I sat out in the sun, and enjoyed for a little bit. 

         Fast forward to today, and our Saturday morning outing. It's overcast, and I don't want to watch Paw Patrol all day (I feel like I've seen Mayor Humdinger fix the wind surfing race too many times). So I packed Jake up and took him to Michael's. It's kind of our thing, when he was a baby baby (because apparently my baby is a toddler), and I just needed to get out of the house, we went to Michael's. It's one of my favorite stores, and all the colours caught Jake's attention, and still do. Well after being so good yesterday, didn't they have some of their Fall stock out? Fall is a bad one for me, I love the season, and pumpkin anything. BUT what's more is it means Christmas is coming, my BIG ONE. So this is a new blog, which means you may, or may not be aware of my Christmas planning series, but yes it will be back here, and if you're not aware it starts in the fall ( actually before calendar fall). So on this cool summer morning, I fight the urge to look through my Autumn decor and take stock. Fighting tooth and nail! 

         K, Luv Ya, Bye!

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